This instance has since been deprecated to reassign the domain name, which accurately points to the recent Omnibus based install.

Self hosted GitLab implementation using the default Helm chart, and customized to include GitLab Runners and hosted environments in a single cluster (architecture not recommended for production environments, see reference architecture for recommendations). Primary demo environment, maintained on current release.



  • GitLab
  • Kubernetes
    • Google Cloud
    • GKE
  • Helm


  • Kubectl
    • Kubectx
    • Kubens




Installation Steps

Create GKE Cluster

This config uses 4 nodes of n1-standard-2, with auto-provision off, and auto-scaling on and configured to min of 1 and max of 4. This configuration hits the recommended requirements of 8 CPU and 30 GB Memory.

Create static IP if needed.

This instance used a custom namespace in helm install: gitlab

I initially created the cluster with only 3 nodes, which needed to be expanded to 4. It can be expanded with:

gcloud container clusters resize <cluster-name> \
--node-pool <node-pool-name> \
--num-nodes 4 \

Install via Helm

The install command below assumes the following:

  • Replace with either <ip> or reserved domain name
    • I have, which should result in
  • Replace externalIP with static IP reserved in GCP
    • This tells the ingress to set up for forwarding rule automatically
  • Replace with a valid email for the SSL certs
  • Namespace -n = gitlab if you don’t want to use the default namespace
  • Setting global.kas.enabled installs the GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server
    • Certificate based cluster integrations were deprecated in 14.5 release
  • Setting gitlab-runner.runners.privileged allows Docker and Kubernetes based runners to run in privileged mode, along with the insecurities that come along with it…
helm repo add gitlab

helm repo update

helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
  --timeout 600s \
  --set \
  --set global.hosts.externalIP= \
  --set global.ingress.configureCertmanager=true \
  --set \
  --set global.kas.enabled=true \
  --set global.hosts.https=true
  --set gitlab-runner.runners.privileged=true
  -n gitlab

Fetch Initial Root Password

Once that install completes, the following command will output the initial root password. GitLab should be accessible through the ingress IP, and the password will need to be reset on first login.

kubectl get secret -n gitlab gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password \
-ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo


Upgrading the installation (22nd of every month πŸ˜‰) is very straightforward:

  • Output your current values to a gitlab.yaml file:
helm get values gitlab > gitlab.yaml
  • Update your helm repo with the updated charts:
helm repo update
helm upgrade gitlab gitlab/gitlab --version 5.8.0 -f gitlab.yaml


This should get you a running GitLab environment in a Kubernetes cluster, ready for any shenanigans you’re ready to put to it. In order to integrate groups/projects with the cluster, you’ll need to install the GitLab Agent for Kubernetes which we’ll cover at a later time.